Outdoor Retailer Summer Show
So we're rapidly approaching summer 2015, and thousands of outdoor water enthusiasts will be slamming the surf with their favorite beverages using our L'il Sucker drink holders. That's pretty cool stuff, knowing that I can travel almost anywhere in the world and find someone using our products.
With the flood of activity we have experienced in Montana, Utah, Idaho and all of the other bastions for whitewater, we decided early in the year that we needed to be at the upcoming Outdoor Retailer Summer show in Salt Lake City this coming August. So we applied early and are super pumped to do the show, but we are in a bit of a holding pattern due to the show being overbooked! I am told that we are on a short list, say about #5 out of 120 or so companies still waiting for a spot, so hopefully we get in.
We're ready to deploy on short notice, but may be at the mercy of the airlines and available accommodations by the time we get the nod. Apparently it's an extremely busy show.